The one page future self system. — © FLOWCREATOR.APP - 2024

**If you want to define your future self or get started working creatively, this is for you. Some material taken from Quazi Johir.

It's worth prototyping your future self because it's worth investing in your own happiness.**

Treat each part of this system like building blocks. If the block works for you, use it. If it doesn’t, delete it or archive it.

<aside> 💡 How To Use This System:

Duplicate this Project on the Top Right of this page. Delete what you won’t use and build upon what works for you as desired.

Note that in notion you can change the cover at the top of the page.


PART 1 - Prototyping Future Self

For three days consider these prompts and connect to that feeling of fulfillment and project it into the future, fill out this as it comes to you intuitively. Prompt: What does the version of you who effortless achieves his goal look like?
